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Introduction to Big Data
- What is Big Data
- Big Data Technologies
- Big Data Challenges
- Hadoop
Introduction to Hadoop
- Hadoop Architecture
- MapReduce
- Hadoop Distributed File System
- Pre-Installation Setup
- Installing Hadoop
- Hadoop Configuration
- Running HelloWord program in Hadoop
- Features of HDFS
- Starting HDFS
- Listing Files in HDFS
- Inserting Data into HDFS
- Retrieving Data from HDFS
Hadoop – Reference Commands Hive
- Introduction to Hive
- Installation of Hive
- Creating Database statements
- Creating table statement
- MySQL installation
- JDBC Programs
- Running JDBC Programs using Eclipse
- Introduction to Pig
- Pig Installation
- Creating text files and loading in Pig
- Pig Examples
- Introduction to Sqoop
- Sqoop Installation
- Sqoop Import
- Sqoop Export