Get In Touch
Getting Started
- Introduction
- Typographical Conventions
- What’s New in MATLAB
- What’s in Mastering MATLAB
Basic Features
- Simple Math
- The MATLAB Workspace
- About Variables
- Comments, Punctuation, and Aborting Execution
- Complex Numbers
- Floating-Point Arithmetic
- Mathematical Functions
The MATLAB Desktop
- MATLAB Windows
- Managing the MATLAB Workspace
- Memory Management
- Number Display Formats
- System Information
- The MATLAB Search Path
Script M-files
- Script M-file Use
- Block Comments and Code Cells
- Setting Execution Time
- Startup and Finish
Arrays and Array Operations
- Simple Arrays
- Array Addressing or Indexing
- Array Construction
- Array Orientation
- Scalar—Array Mathematics
- Array—Array Mathematics
- Standard Arrays
- Array Manipulation
- Array Sorting
- Subarray Searching
- Array-Manipulation Functions
- Array Size
- Arrays and Memory Utilization
Multidimensional Arrays
- Array Construction
- Array Mathematics and Manipulation
- Array Size
Numeric Data Types
- Integer Data Types
- Floating-Point Data Types
- Summary
Cell Arrays and Structures
- Cell Array Creation
- Cell Array Manipulation
- Retrieving Cell Array Content
- Comma-Separated Lists
- Cell Functions
- Cell Arrays of Strings
- Structure Creation
- Structure Manipulation
- Retrieving Structure Content
- Comma-Separated Lists (Again)
- Structure Functions
- Summary
- Roots
- Multiplication
- Addition
- Division
- Derivatives and Integrals
- Evaluation
- Rational Polynomials
- Curve Fitting
- Polynomial Functions
Cubic Splines
- Basic Features
- Piecewise Polynomials
- Cubic Hermite Polynomials
- Integration
- Differentiation
- Spline Interpolation on a Plane
Fourier Analysis
- Discrete Fourier Transform
- Fourier Series
- Zero Finding
- Minimization in One Dimension
- Minimization in Higher Dimensions
- Practical Issues
Integration and Differentiation
- Integration
- Differentiation
Differential Equations
- IVP Format
- ODE Suite Solvers
- Basic Use
- Setting Options
- BVPs, PDEs, and DDEs
Two-Dimensional Graphics
- The plot Function
- Linestyles, Markers, and Colors
- Plot Grids, Axes Box, and Labels
- Customizing Plot Axes
- Multiple Plots
- Multiple Figures
- Subplots
- Interactive Plotting Tools
- Screen Updates
- Specialized 2-D Plots
- Easy Plotting
- Text Formatting
- Summary
Three-Dimensional Graphics
- Line Plots
- Scalar Functions of Two Variables
- Mesh Plots
- Surface Plots
- Mesh and Surface Plots of Irregular Data
- Changing Viewpoints
- Camera Control
- Contour Plots
- Specialized 3-D Plots
Using Color and Light
- Understanding Colormaps
- Using Colormaps
- Displaying Colormaps
- Creating and Altering Colormaps
- Using Color to Describe a Fourth Dimension
- Transparency
- Lighting Models
- Summary
Images, Movies, and Sound
- Images
- Image Formats
- Image Files
- Movies
- Movie Files
- Sound
- Summary
Printing and Exporting Graphics
- Printing and Exporting Using Menus
- Command Line Printing and Exporting
- Printers and Export File Formats
- PostScript Support
- Choosing a Renderer
- Handle Graphics Properties
- Setting Defaults
- Publishing
- Summary
Handle Graphics
- Objects
- Object Handles
- Object Properties
- Get and Set
- Finding Objects
- Selecting Objects with the Mouse
- Position and Units
- Default Properties
- Common Properties
- Plot Objects
- Group Objects
- Annotation Axes
- Linking Objects
- New Plots
- Callbacks
- M-file Examples
- Summary
MATLAB Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
- Overloading
- Class Creation
- Subscripts
- Converter Functions
- Precedence, Inheritance, and Aggregation
- Handle Classes
- Vectorization
- JIT/Acceleration
- The Birthday Problem
- Up—Down Sequence
- Alternating Sequence Matrix
- Vandermonde Matrix
- Repeated Value Creation and Counting
- Differential Sums
Character Strings
- String Construction
- Numbers to Strings to Numbers
- String Evaluation
- String Functions
- Cell Arrays of Strings
- Searching Using Regular Expressions
Relational and Logical Operations
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Relational and Logical Functions
- NaNs and Empty Arrays
Control Flow
- For Loops
- While Loops
- If-Else-End Constructions
- Switch-Case Constructions
- Try-Catch Blocks
- M-file Function Construction Rules
- Input and Output Arguments
- Function Workspaces
- Functions and the MATLAB Search Path
- Creating Your Own Toolbox
- Command—Function Duality
- Function Handles and Anonymous Functions
- Nested Functions
- Debugging M-files
- Syntax Checking and File Dependencies
- Profiling M-files
File and Directory Management
- Native Data Files
- Data Import and Export
- Low-Level File I/O
- Directory Management
- File Archives and Compression
- Internet File Operations
Set, Bit, and Base Functions
- Set Functions
- Bit Functions
- Base Conversions
Time Computations
- Current Date and Time
- Date Format Conversions
- Date Functions
- Timing Functions
- Plot Labels
Matrix Algebra 294
- Sets of Linear Equations
- Matrix Functions
- Special Matrices
- Sparse Matrices
- Sparse Matrix Functions
Data Analysis
- Basic Statistical Analysis
- Basic Data Analysis
- Data Analysis and Statistical Functions
- Time Series Analysis
Data Interpolation
- One-Dimensional Interpolation
- Two-Dimensional Interpolation
- Triangulation and Scattered Data
- Summary