VBA stands for Visual Basic Applications which has become one of the Microsoft’s leading VB Language programming environment which makes use of Visual Basic 6 and its IDE to develop, test and run small to large GUI Applications. This technology has been used at various parts of the world for quick s/w application development and execution. It is useful for developing UDFs (User Defined Functions), macro programming, developing GUI based applications and data modeling. Balujal Labs understand the scope and need of VBA among job aspirants. Hence, We provide 6 weeks/ months internship in VBA Training and project development.
Our VBA training team has highly qualified, knowledgeable and interactive faculty who will help you and train you to learn the core of VBA in an interactive and practical manner. But besides this, a student needs:
- basic knowledge of operating computers
- an attitude of logical thinking
- love and zeal for learning VBA
Rest of the things will be catered by our faculty and technical staff once you join our institute.
Since its inception in 1991, VBA has been massively learnt and widely used for building both simple and complex GUI applications by arranging components or controls on a form. Developers frequently make use of Excel sheet and Macro Programming in VBA to create comprehensive projects dealing with real life applications. At Baluja Labs, we cover each concepts and components of VBA diligently in such a way that could be resourceful and useful for learners
Baluja Labs has got a fantastic team of highly qualified and knowledgeable experts who carry out the task of teaching and training VBA in a noble and apprehensive way. We have adopted following innovative methodologies for many years to carry out the task of training students VBA in apprehensible way:
1. Lecture Session: During this session, our faculty deliver lecture on a scheduled concept of VBA. This session lasts for one hour. During the lecture, the faculty is responsible for carrying out the session with equal participation of students in the form of student-teacher interaction and concept development. The idea of lecture method is to inculcate understanding of each concept, facts and view about VBA among candidates.
2. Demonstration Session: The lecture method is followed by a short demonstration session where the concerned faculty demonstrates the so taught VBA concept on the given concept on Computer so that the candidates can learn the concepts easily and quickly.
3. Practical Session: During this session, all candidates are allotted a system to write and execute the so taught VBA concept by the faculty. If a candidate is uncomfortable in writing programs, he/she/it is helped by our Lab assistant.
4. Assessment Test Session: Regular Assessment tests are conducted after completion of each 20 percent syllabus of the course. The idea is to simply check the performance of candidates during training session.
5. Placement Counseling Session: This session is provided to students once their syllabus gets completed where our faculty provides necessary details of placement related queries of students. Besides this, students are prepared with interview related VBA questions.